1.   test
Rates and Charges a. Reseller shall be charged for all calls placed or received via Supplier in accordance with the Wholesale Rates in EUR as set forth in special notification letter, provided to Reseller each month starting the date set forth on the first page of this Agreement. Reseller acknowledges and agrees that Supplier may, at its sole discretion and upon written notice, change or modify from time to time its Wholesale Rates, Retail Rates, Roaming countries, terms and general policies.
novat.businesim.com/test/ Concurrences: 7
2.   businesim to businesim
Take advantage of to FIXED rates from anywhere you are located to wherever you call.
novat.businesim.com/new_productsservices/businesim_to_businesim/ Concurrences: 1
3.   Simple Rates
Unlike other mobile operators who use multiple and complex criteria charges for each roaming call , eg geographic location, ISP, called number, etc, the PlanetSim charges with a single and simple criterion: the location of Sim. This means the country where you are at the time you receive or do a cal
novat.businesim.com/simple_rates/ Concurrences: 1